Trek for Boys – About the Day

This fun and engaging workshop includes:

  • A lively icebreaker that’s sure to get the boys excited about the day’s events
  • Three 55-minute breakout sessions (see details below)
  • An informative and inspiring panel discussion led by local high school boys
  • A delicious and healthy snack and lunch
  • A special gift to remember and reinforce the Trek experience

Here is a SAMPLE schedule for your day:

8:45 – 9:00  Check-in Door to the left of the Main Entrance
9:00 – 9:25 Ice Breaker & Welcome One of the Gyms and Library
9:30 – 10:25 Breakout Session: Self Discovery Trek Room 3
10:30 – 11:25  Breakout Session: Friendships Trek Room 2
11:30 – 11:55  Lunch Served Cafeteria
12:00 – 12:20 HS Panel Discussion A large room TBD
12:25 – 1:25 Breakout Session: Self-Care Trek Room 6
1:25 – 1:30 Closing Ceremony Library

All boys will participate in each of these scheduled events for the same amount of time listed  above, but not necessarily in the order of the time slots above. Each boy will be assigned to a group of no more than 12 boys with whom he will travel through his schedule for the day. All boys will participate in opening and closing ceremonies together, and will eat lunch at the same time.

Break-Out Sessions

Each boy will participate in each of these scheduled events for the same amount of time listed above, but not necessarily in the order of the time slots listed. Each boy will be assigned to a group of 6 to 12 boys with whom he will travel through his schedule for the day. All the boys will come together for the opening and closing ceremonies, dinner and the panel discussion.

Breakout Session 1: How can I connect to myself and others? (Self Discovery)

Participants will:

  • Learn a process for making new connections
  • Be able to identify some areas of interest in order to pursue one new interest at school
  • Explore the difference between “fitting in” and “belonging”

Breakout Session 2: How can I manage everyday stress? (Self Care)

Participants will:

  • Learn how to identify and manage situations that cause stress in middle school
  • Learn about and participate in numerous techniques available to relieve stress

Breakout Session 3: How does social media impact our lives? (Friendships)

Participants will:

  • Understand the impact that social media has on lives
  • Understand the consequences of misusing social media
  • Develop understanding on how social media misunderstandings occur

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Monetary donations of any amount help TriCity Family Services provide a range of counseling and other mental health services to more than 4,000 clients and their families each year.

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